Top 5 Affordable Web Design Trends
About Web Design Trends? Well, Trends are well-known changes that happen in all creative fields, and web design is no different. The web is a unique environment constantly changing and evolving, and with that in mind, designers believe that following trends is a crucial part of their job. Being constantly up-to-date is considered mandatory.
It has become noticeable that many designers in the last year or two have been attempting to move away from simple and closed compositions. More and more open-styled, seemingly chaotic, and cut compositions are being created.
Looking for an awe-inspiring web design in Sydney? In this article, we’re going to introduce you to 5 affordable trends that will make your projects more valuable and interesting.
#1 – Web Design Trend – Draw Attention with GIFs and animations
GIFs and animations demonstrate a profound understanding of design and give a somewhat complex touch to any site. They allow you to provide a richer product experience, explain a workflow, or simply provide a how to guide for your users.
But don’t overuse them – they work well to draw the user’s attention. We suggest using these on particular elements you want to stand out including sales pop-ups, best selling products and so on.
#2 – Big, Bold Type
This type is another affordable web design trend you can get in Sydney. “Big” and “bold” doesn’t necessarily refer to the weight of the font. Instead, it’s about applying significant screen real estate to a single, simple statement about the product or service.
And, refreshingly, most of these statements seem clear and to-the-point, free of the bloviated claims to disruption and greatness we’ve seen lately.
#3 – Richer Background and Patterns
Increasingly, there are more backgrounds and patterns used in web design; for instance, small dots, stripes, or dashes.
Notably popular is the grid pattern, treated as a “frame” for the other elements of the layout. Those elements are moved over the grid and often organised in a chaotic way. It creates a rhythm and justifies its violations.
#4 – More and Brighter Colour
Web designers in Sydney, as well as elsewhere in the world, sought ways to infuse more personality into their design work that still worked within the stripped-down aesthetics. Therefore, bright colour became the natural answer in a few cases.
It’s not just about bright, enthusiastic colour. Gradients also came back, blending and blurring those exuberant hues into spectra reminiscent of a blue sky or a splashy sunset.
#5 – Asymmetry and Greater Diversity
2016 broke the rule of symmetry, which dominated the net for a long time. Many designers created asymmetric layouts which are not entirely balanced on the left and right sides.
Designers also created more dynamic compositions that have larger amounts of intersecting diagonal lines or contained with more complex organic shapes.
The appearance of your website can be one of the dominant aspects on how your potential client will classify your business in the future. Follow these recent trends for user-friendly and attractive websites and we guarantee you will attract visitors and give your business the traction it needs.
All the best for a great web design!

Founded in 2015, Elegant Web Services is a full-service Internet Marketing, Web Design agency based in Sydney, creating winning solutions for businesses and professionals who want to build or improve their presence online.