Choosing the “Right Font” in Web Design – Elegant Web, Sydney.

Choosing the “Right Font” in Web Design – Elegant Web, Sydney

After the difficult task of getting the logo right, the next time killer in the web design process is choosing the perfect font for your website. You really need to hit the bull’s eye with the right font. After all, the first step of visitor engagement starts with the Font, and if you really get it right, it can reduce the bounce rates too! So, here are few things you should consider before choosing fonts for your website design.


What does a font do? Help people READ. So, however, fancy your font might look, it is very important that it doesn’t compromise on readability. People like seeing good web designs, but, the purpose of a font, ie to be read or communicate should be achieved.


The web is ever changing. You need to make sure whatever font you are choosing is compatible across all major platforms. You don’t want your great web design look alien only because you didn’t consider the compatibility of fonts.

Load Times:

A good website is always fast. Also, search engines love sites that are super quick. While choosing your fonts, you need to keep in mind that it shouldn’t slow your website down. If you cant help but keep it heavy, look for the lightest heavy fonts. A good web design is not complete till the website loads.

Find fonts that work well together:

A good functional web design will include several segments, and hence several fonts. You need to work around to find fonts that look good and work well together. There are plenty of online tools to you help you do that.

Convey the tone & message:

A good font should act according to the situation. Ie, it should convey the mood of the article/website. You never put a comic sans in a political website or roman fonts in a website about toys. Fonts should convey the mood and message visually, even before the message in the literature has been read.

Be Unorthodox:

Ultimately, its upon you to get it right. I have always found that being unorthodox gets you stuff out of the box. You will never know – you might surprise yourself.

All the best for a great web design!

Founded in 2015, Elegant Web Services is a full-service Internet Marketing, Web Design agency based in Sydney, creating winning solutions for businesses and professionals who want to build or improve their presence online.

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Founded in 2015, Elegant Web Services is a full-service Internet Marketing, Web Design agency based in Sydney, creating winning solutions for businesses and professionals who want to build or improve their presence online.

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