4 Reasons Why Your Business Website Should Have a Blog

4 Reasons Why Your Business Website Should Have a Blog

To have a blog section in your business website or not is a never ending debate. Experts agree that as a customer dedicated website, you must have a blog section which is updated regularly by an appropriate person. Blogging is an effective marketing tool and helps your company increase leads and customer engagement. It has been proven that websites with regularly updated blogs do better business than websites without blogs.

  1. Improves your SEO: Search engines rank those website higher which has fresh content. Since the actual contents of your small business website does not change that often, a great way to increase your SEO is to create a blog section and update it regularly. The content has to be relevant and original as search engines down-ranks copied content. A good SEO ranking is necessary if you want to expand the customer base of your small business.
  2. Helps you build your online identity: If your business website has a blog about things that are relevant and connected to your business, you will be recognized as an expert in the field. A blog gives your business a voice online and lets you manage your business reputation. Original contents are also shared in social networks thus increasing your visibility. You can also bring in guest bloggers, who are experts in the field, to write content for your website – their popularity will help you build an online identity.
  3. Increases website traffic: You should know that 80% of traffic on a business website is organic – they come from search engine results. As discussed earlier, blogs are essential for a high SEO ranking and if you enrich your blog with relevant keywords, people searching for those keywords will certainly land onto your page. Blogs also help you to build internal links which are often shown in search results. This will help you to increase website traffic as well.
  4. Convert those traffic into leads: Blogs help people get the information they are looking for. This increased interaction as well as satisfaction at finding what they were looking for will help turn those curious people into valued customers. By inserting call to action, or asking questions at the end, you can use blogs to interact with customers, build your trust and get a real time feedback.

Founded in 2015, Elegant Web Services is a full-service Internet Marketing, Web Design agency based in Sydney, creating winning solutions for businesses and professionals who want to build or improve their presence online.

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Founded in 2015, Elegant Web Services is a full-service Internet Marketing, Web Design agency based in Sydney, creating winning solutions for businesses and professionals who want to build or improve their presence online.

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